how to choose left or right-facing sectional? (6 Easiest Factors)




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Sectional sofas are an incredibly popular piece of furniture. Not only do they provide plenty of comfortable seating, but they also come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit any living room layout. One key decision you’ll have to make when choosing a sectional is whether you want it to be left or right-facing.

choose left or right-facing sectional

This choice can affect the overall look and feel of the room as well as the functionality of your seating area. In this article, we’ll explore how to choose the best left or right-facing sectional for your space. We’ll discuss different types of sectionals including chaise sectionals, l-shaped sectionals, u-shaped sectionals, and modular sectionals.

We’ll also give tips on how to choose the right size sectional for your living room, how to make sure it fits in with your floor plan, and which pieces will work best for entertaining guests. Finally, we’ll discuss the importance of considering traffic flow and extra seating when making your decision. With this information in hand, you’ll be able to pick the perfect left or right-facing sectional for your space.

How do I know if I need a left or right facing sectional

A sectional sofa is a great way to introduce seating space and style into any living room. Whether you are looking for extra seating options or just want to create a cozy environment, sectionals are the perfect piece of furniture to fulfill your needs. But with so many styles and sizes available, it can be difficult to decide which one will best fit your space.

How do I know if I need a left or right facing sectional

When choosing between left and right-facing sectionals, the key is understanding your floor plan, traffic flow, entertaining needs and desired shape of the sectional. With this guide, we’ll help you choose the perfect left or right-facing sectional for your living room layout.

What does left or right-facing sectional mean?

When it comes to sectional sofas, the orientation of the chaise portion determines if it is left or right facing. A left-facing sectional has the chaise on the left side when you are facing it, while a right-facing sectional has the chaise on the right side when you are facing it. 

What does left or right-facing sectional mean

Note: It’s important to understand your floor plan and traffic flow in order to decide which orientation is best for your living room layout.

Left-facing sectional meaning

A left-facing sectional is one where the chaise sectional or coffee table is placed on the left side as you face it when seated. 

Left Facing Sectional Sofa

Right-facing sectional meaning

Right-facing sectional meaning refers to the design of furniture pieces, typically sofas or couches, that are designed to fit into an interior decorating scheme by facing the right way. This often involves choosing a piece that’s “right-sided” when looking from the front, and angled so it faces towards a room’s focal point.

Right Facing Sectional Sofa

How to choose left or right-facing sectional? [6 Tips]

When choosing between a left or right-facing sectional, consider the following 6 factors:

How to choose left or right-facing sectional

1. Room Layout:

Examine the layout of your room to determine which direction would best fit the space. Consider the placement of windows, doors, and other furniture to ensure the sectional will not obstruct any important areas or create a cramped feel.

2. Traffic Flow:

Think about the flow of traffic in your room. If you have a high-traffic area or frequently move through the space, choose a sectional that allows for easy access and doesn’t disrupt the natural flow.

3. Focal Point:

Consider the focal point of your room, such as a fireplace or TV. The sectional should be positioned in a way that allows for comfortable viewing or interaction with the focal point.

4. Functionality:

Determine how you plan to use the sectional. If you often entertain guests, a sectional that faces towards a central point may be more suitable. Alternatively, if you prefer a cozy setup for watching TV or reading, a sectional that faces towards a wall or a window may be more appropriate.

5. Personal Preference:

Consider your personal preference and what feels most comfortable to you. If you have a specific preference for the left or right side, choose the sectional that aligns with your preference.

6. Customization:

Some sectionals offer the option to switch the orientation by repositioning or flipping certain components. Check if the sectional you’re considering has this feature if you want the flexibility to change the facing direction in the future.

Should I get a left or right facing sectional?

The decision of whether to get a left or right facing sectional depends on several factors, including the layout and size of your living space, the existing furniture or decor, and your personal preferences. Here are some considerations to help you make a decision:

Should I get a left or right facing sectional

1. Room layout:Consider the shape and size of your room. Determine which direction the sectional will provide the best flow and functionality within your space. Take into account the location of windows, doors, and other furniture.
2. Traffic flow:Think about how people will move around the room. If there are frequent pathways or entryways on one side of the room, you may want to choose a sectional that faces the opposite direction to avoid blocking those areas.
3. Existing furniture and decor:Consider the placement and style of your existing furniture and decor. Choose a sectional that complements the overall aesthetic and arrangement of the room.
4. Personal preference:Your personal preference should guide your decision. Consider which direction you find more comfortable or aesthetically pleasing. It’s important to choose a sectional that you will enjoy using and living with.
5. Flexibility:Some sectionals are reversible, meaning you can switch the orientation later if desired. If you’re unsure about which direction to choose, a reversible sectional can provide flexibility and adaptability in the future.
6. Consultation:If you’re still unsure, consider consulting with an interior designer or furniture specialist who can provide personalized advice based on your specific space and needs.

Remember to measure your space accurately before making a decision to ensure that the sectional will fit properly in your room.

Left facing vs right facing sectional

Left facing vs right facing sectional refers to the orientation of a sectional sofa.

Left facing vs right facing sectional

Left facing sectionalRight facing sectional
In a left facing sectional, the longer side of the sofa is on the left when facing the sofa. This means that when seated on the sofa, the chaise or extended portion of the sectional will be on the left side.In a right facing sectional, the longer side of the sofa is on the right when facing the sofa. This means that when seated on the sofa, the chaise or extended portion of the sectional will be on the right side.

Left arm facing sectional diagram

In a left arm facing sectional diagram, the sofa is depicted as if you are standing in front of it. The left arm facing sectional refers to the orientation of the armrest when facing the sofa. In this case, the armrest is located on the left side of the sofa when you are standing in front of it.

Left arm facing sectional diagram

Right arm facing sectional diagram

A right arm facing sectional diagram is a visual representation of a sectional sofa or couch that shows the orientation and layout of the piece of furniture. In the diagram, the right arm of the sectional is positioned on the right side when facing the sofa. This means that when you are standing in front of the sectional, looking at it, the armrest and seating area will be on your right side.

Right arm facing sectional diagram

How to choose a left or right corner sofa?

When choosing between a left or right corner sofa, there are a few factors to consider.

1. Room Layout: Assess the layout of your room to determine which corner will best fit the sofa. Consider the available space, any existing furniture, and the flow of traffic in the room.

2. Functionality: Think about how you intend to use the sofa. If you plan on lounging and watching TV, consider which corner will provide the best view of the screen. If you have a preference for which side you like to sit or lie down on, choose the corner that accommodates your preference.

3. Aesthetics: Consider the overall design and style of your room. Determine which corner will enhance the visual appeal of the space.

4. Doorways and Access: Check the dimensions of your doorways and any narrow passages in your home to ensure the chosen corner sofa can be easily maneuvered into the desired location.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision on whether a left or right corner sofa will best suit your needs and complement your space.

Right facing sofa

A right-facing sofa refers to a type of sofa that is designed to have the longer side or chaise on the right-hand side when facing the sofa. This means that when standing in front of the sofa, the seating area will be on the left side, and the extended portion or chaise will be on the right side.

Left facing sofa

A left facing sofa refers to the orientation of the sofa when you are facing it. In this case, when you stand in front of the sofa, the longer section of the sofa will be on your left side. 

This means that the armrest will be on the right side of the sofa when you are sitting on it. Left facing sofas are designed to accommodate specific room layouts or preferences, allowing for a more tailored arrangement in your living space.


Choosing between a left or right-facing sectional sofa depends on several factors that should be considered. Firstly, the layout and size of the room are important considerations. It is essential to measure the available space accurately and determine how the sectional will fit within the room. 

The existing furniture and décor should be taken into account to ensure a cohesive and visually pleasing arrangement.

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